I often feel that K is somewhat neglected around here. While I review how to find the area of a trapezoid with D or listen to J work on her phonics, K can often be found padding around the house, often still in her p.j's at noon, drifting from stuffed animals to coloring books to play-do, back to stuffed animals. She doesn't seem at all put out by any of this, and I suppose I should be thankful to have such an independent almost-three year old. Every once in a while she surprises me with something I know she has absorbed somewhere along the way, listening to books, or hearing her siblings talk about what they are learning, and has been storing for just the right moment. Today she matter of factly explained to her dad that animals who can see at night are nocturnal. And after sorting her blue knobless cylinders by height, she announced that they looked like stairs and decorated them with calico critters. It made me smile, and I have to share the pic.
Way to go K! Love, love, love this picture of her.