It is a beautiful day today. Crisp and sunny, not too cool. The perfect day to get outside, get dirty, and start our garden. But before we head outside here is a summary of this past week.
D finished hockey for the year, which he is none to happy about, but it comes at a good time as his theater rehearsals are increasing as the kids get ready to perform their play, Much Ado About Nothing. Dylan has been cast as Dogberry, the policeman. He worked on estimating and division this week, and on reviewing antonyms, synonyms, compound words, pronouns and antecedents, and homonyms. It sounds like a lot, but it was basically all review. We also discussed the book, Meet Addy, which is part of our literature curriculum. D is feeling a bit unenthusiastic about the past few literature selections he has been assigned. I think in part he has decided to complain about any and all assigned reading, and partly he is tired of reading books with female protagonists. And I have to agree - between Meet Addy, Strawberry Girl, Caddie Woodlawn, and Number the Stars, there is a whole lotta girl power going on. So we might skip a few of those books and choose something together that interests him more. He is still devouring the Guardians of G'Ahoole books and I think he is currently reading book 10. D also wrote in his journal and worked on his science project which is just about finished. He went to art and percussion lessons as well. In Keva class he and his classmates built a Roman city and staged a battle between the Romans and Visigoths.
J, K and I read lots of books about spring, hoping that would usher it's appearance along. We read Listen, Listen, An Egg is Quiet, The Spring Equinox, A New Beginning, When the Eart Wakes, and All About Frogs. She also worked on her science project and finished two books this week, Katy No Pocket, and Mouse Soup, which she checked out from the library.
J also worked with place value and number order with her Math-U-See blocks. She had a great time at skating lessons, though I'm pretty sure she spent most of the time either sitting or lying on the ice.
K has become quite the puzzle master these days and has done many of them over the past few weeks.
She also worked with scissors a lot this week, though I find myself constantly asking "What is the only thing we cut with scissors?", to which she replies "Paper" while attempting to cut her doll's hair off. Oh well. I guess dolls with crew cuts aren't the worst thing in the world.
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